Welcome to the app of good drivers!
Discover :DriveSmart, the application that allows you to analyze how you drive comfortably and safely to improve the wheel and show that you are a good driver. With driving certificate included, free.
How does it work?
Download the app, register and show that you are a good driver. It is very easy, before starting the car press the "Start" button and after reaching your destination press the "End" button.
At the end of the trip you will see all the details: not only the distance and duration of the trip but also all the incidents based on speed, acceleration, braking, turns and your reaction to traffic signals, in addition to your efficiency score. And that's not all: we'll give you directions and personalized advice to improve your driving.
Also, if you see an incident that you do not agree with, you can send us your comment so that the technical team analyzes it and invalidates it so that it does not affect your score. It is fair.
Rewards for good drivers
Your kilometers are worth their weight in Smartcoins, the currency we use in :DriveSmart.
Do you know how to get Smartcoins? Very easy: complete your profile, register all your trips with the app, accumulate kilometers of good driving, invite your friends to the app and climb the SmartMiles Program.
SmartMiles Program
After recording your first three trips with the app, you can become a basic member of the SmartMiles program. Get Smiles for being a Safe, Social and Sustainable driver to ascend to Bronze, Silver or Gold and benefit from all the advantages of the program.
Your driver certificate, free
More than 100,000 drivers already have their :DriveSmart certificate. Do you know how to get it? Record a minimum of 10 valid trips and travel, at least, a total of 100 km.
Where will you find it? Within your profile, to the right of your photo. Click on the seal and share it in your apps to share trips, your social networks, through mail... or wherever you want! Whenever you need it, there you will find it.
Ready to start your story behind the wheel and get your good driver's certificate? 3, 2, 1...
Selamat datang di aplikasi driver yang baik!
Temukan: DriveSmart, aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda menganalisis cara mengemudi dengan nyaman dan aman untuk meningkatkan setir dan menunjukkan bahwa Anda adalah pengemudi yang baik. Dengan menyertakan sertifikat mengemudi, gratis.
Bagaimana cara kerjanya?
Unduh aplikasi, daftar dan tunjukkan bahwa Anda adalah pengemudi yang baik. Sangat mudah, sebelum memulai mobil tekan tombol "Start" dan setelah mencapai tujuan Anda tekan tombol "End".
Pada akhir perjalanan Anda akan melihat semua detail: tidak hanya jarak dan durasi perjalanan tetapi juga semua insiden berdasarkan kecepatan, akselerasi, pengereman, belokan dan reaksi Anda terhadap sinyal lalu lintas, di samping skor efisiensi Anda. Dan itu belum semuanya: kami akan memberi Anda arahan dan saran hasil personalisasi untuk meningkatkan berkendara Anda.
Juga, jika Anda melihat insiden yang tidak Anda setujui, Anda dapat mengirimkan komentar Anda kepada kami sehingga tim teknis menganalisanya dan membatalkannya sehingga tidak memengaruhi skor Anda. Ini adil.
Hadiah untuk driver yang bagus
Kilometer Anda sangat berharga di Smartcoin, mata uang yang kami gunakan di: DriveSmart.
Apakah Anda tahu cara mendapatkan Smartcoin? Sangat mudah: lengkapi profil Anda, daftarkan semua perjalanan Anda dengan aplikasi, kumpulkan kilometer perjalanan yang baik, undang teman-teman Anda ke aplikasi dan naik Program SmartMiles.
Program SmartMiles
Setelah merekam tiga perjalanan pertama Anda dengan aplikasi, Anda dapat menjadi anggota dasar program SmartMiles. Dapatkan Senyum karena menjadi pengemudi yang Aman, Sosial, dan Berkelanjutan untuk naik ke Perunggu, Perak, atau Emas dan manfaatkan semua keunggulan program.
Sertifikat driver Anda, gratis
Lebih dari 100.000 driver sudah memiliki sertifikat DriveSmart mereka. Apakah Anda tahu cara mendapatkannya? Rekam minimal 10 perjalanan yang valid dan perjalanan, setidaknya, total 100 km.
Di mana Anda akan menemukannya? Di dalam profil Anda, di sebelah kanan foto Anda. Klik pada segel dan bagikan di aplikasi Anda untuk berbagi perjalanan, jejaring sosial Anda, melalui surat ... atau di mana pun Anda mau! Kapan pun Anda membutuhkannya, di sana Anda akan menemukannya.
Siap untuk memulai kisah Anda di belakang kemudi dan mendapatkan sertifikat pengemudi yang baik? 3, 2, 1 ...
Welcome to the app of good drivers!
Discover :DriveSmart, the application that allows you to analyze how you drive comfortably and safely to improve the wheel and show that you are a good driver. With driving certificate included, free.
How does it work?
Download the app, register and show that you are a good driver. It is very easy, before starting the car press the "Start" button and after reaching your destination press the "End" button.
At the end of the trip you will see all the details: not only the distance and duration of the trip but also all the incidents based on speed, acceleration, braking, turns and your reaction to traffic signals, in addition to your efficiency score. And that's not all: we'll give you directions and personalized advice to improve your driving.
Also, if you see an incident that you do not agree with, you can send us your comment so that the technical team analyzes it and invalidates it so that it does not affect your score. It is fair.
Rewards for good drivers
Your kilometers are worth their weight in Smartcoins, the currency we use in :DriveSmart.
Do you know how to get Smartcoins? Very easy: complete your profile, register all your trips with the app, accumulate kilometers of good driving, invite your friends to the app and climb the SmartMiles Program.
SmartMiles Program
After recording your first three trips with the app, you can become a basic member of the SmartMiles program. Get Smiles for being a Safe, Social and Sustainable driver to ascend to Bronze, Silver or Gold and benefit from all the advantages of the program.
Your driver certificate, free
More than 100,000 drivers already have their :DriveSmart certificate. Do you know how to get it? Record a minimum of 10 valid trips and travel, at least, a total of 100 km.
Where will you find it? Within your profile, to the right of your photo. Click on the seal and share it in your apps to share trips, your social networks, through mail... or wherever you want! Whenever you need it, there you will find it.
Ready to start your story behind the wheel and get your good driver's certificate? 3, 2, 1...